Time to Clean and Refresh

Well, we’re at the start of week three of the new year, and I have spent most of the year feeling like crap. Speaking of crap, my one-year-old broke containment a couple days ago and got poop all over the family room area rug. So I grabbed the bottle of stain remover meant for animal odors and accidents and sprayed the crap out of the rug. Literally.

Then I go to shower Punkin’ down, and as soon as I am done I hear my three-year-old freaking out. “What’s going on?” “I sat in the poop!” “Seriously, I showed you the poop, told you not to sit there but to sit on the couch, and what did you do?” “I sat in the poop.” So then I had to shower her down. What is it with threenagers? “Oh, look, maybe sitting in this poop will give me some color.” Pat rented a carpet cleaner from Home Depot for the night.

That poop escapade was followed by a major threenager tantrum…likely the best I’ve ever seen. You know, the kind where she’s so hot she moves herself across the room on her back. Maybe we should consider exorcizing the house.

Did I mention I was sick throughout all of this? Continue reading “Time to Clean and Refresh”

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