Coronavirus Chronicles

COVID-19 has been nothing short of surreal, and for many it will hit entirely too close to home. It has changed our daily lives and likely the way we go about our future, and while it has been tough, it has also been eye opening. My hope is we will become more connected with one another, God and our families. I encourage you to try and find the silver lining, and if you’re at a loss for things to do during this time, check out my suggestions. Read More

At first, there was nothing but hysteria, and now we’re starting to realize this may be the new normal for awhile. We’re in the midst of the Coronavirus, or COVID-19, pandemic, and no one knows what to do exactly or how to handle things. Toilet paper has been flying off the shelves, and I am sure at the end of all of this you’ll see some jerk returning to Costco with pallets they realized they couldn’t store, unless they purchased the shed on the Costco display too. Social media is nothing but COVID-19 news (meant to put the fear of God in you) and funny memes and videos, some of which are pretty good. One of my favorites went something like this: “With no where to go and nothing to do, there will be a spike in babies in roughly nine months. Over time we will come to call this generation Coronials. When they turn thirteen they will be quaranteens.” Just remember to contact me when you need a bigger home. 😉

I’ve been on so many Zoom calls and webinars lately, where everyone keeps talking about having all of the time in the world. They obviously don’t have small children, but guess what…they won’t be knocking off years of purgatory either. Just kidding, just kidding.

Speaking of Zoom calls. When we first started this whole social distancing thing, I used the video option so I could feel more connected to everyone on my Keller Williams Realty calls. Lately, I’ve realized I am hitting that “join with video” button less and less, seeing as showering has become an every-other-day kind of activity, and I don’t bother fixing my hair. Makeup was already something I didn’t embrace, so at least my face hasn’t changed.

Yes, social distancing has been a rude awakening for everyone, especially for those parents who work W-2 jobs in an office setting. All of a sudden they found themselves homeschooling, while trying to figure out the logistics of working from home. I admit, being the primary educator for my child was horrifying; however, I think it has likely brought me more grace and made me realize education doesn’t necessarily have to be as formal as it was when I was growing up. (To be honest, Pat and I aren’t even entirely behind sending our kids to college at this point.) I’ve stopped worrying about a structured curriculum as much, and I’ve come to realize when I start getting heated, the best approach is to walk away and come back to it later. Granted, my kiddo is also in preschool. I’ve been working primarily on letter sounds and writing with Pookie…one letter per day. Well, she kept referring to “itchy,” which I knew meant, “i,” but Pat was determined she thought “itchy” was a new letter in the alphabet. He may have been right, but I asked her tonight, “What letter is this?” as I drew a lower case “i” on a piece of paper, and she said, “i.” See, they get it, it may just not be right when you want them to get it. They’ll fall into line, exactly where they should and on their timeline.

Since all of this started, I’ve actually found it rejuvenating not to have the TV on in the morning. Pat gets the kids situated with breakfast, and then I assume responsibility for educating Pookie for about an hour. Then the girls play or do crafts. I’ll work with her periodically throughout the day too, but it’s less formal. We do daily walks, unless the weather is crummy, and we read more stories. The TV comes on around dinnertime, if at all, and we haven’t had it on during dinner more than a couple nights since all of this started. (I don’t even know what day it is anymore. Every day feels like a Wednesday, right?) We were pretty good about family dinners before COVID-19, but now we’ve perfected it. We may be the dinnertime family everyone else hates, but that’s OK because there are probably things your family does much better than ours. 😉

I won’t lie. There has been some anxiety on both Pat’s and my part. Despite having a full pantry, freezer and storage room, Pat looked at one too many headlines on Drudge at the beginning of all of this and didn’t think we had enough. Off to Costco he went to make sure we had enough for a couple months.  Normally, when he goes to Costco, he gets three items and comes straight home. This time, Pat was texting constantly, “They don’t have this…They do have that… Should I get this?” I learned Costco was out of toilet paper (no surprise), baby wipes (no surprise), bulk rice (no surprise), but they did have canned beans, oatmeal, cereal, cheese and canned tuna. Don’t worry, they also had a ton of bottled water, should our water be turned off, but I was really more worried about stocking up on liquor.

These days, after a Costco run, I take everything out of the cardboard boxes or plastic wrap and dump it on the kitchen floor. I then wash the fruits or veggies in baking soda prior to sticking them in the fridge, and I Clorox wipe any containers before putting them in the pantry. I’ve now brought another level of anxiety into my OCD husband’s eyes. I honestly don’t know how we will avoid catching the rona, but I am just praying we don’t pass it onto those who may not be able to fight it.

This may not be the year any of us envisioned for ourselves, but I hope you’ll be able to find the silver lining. Maybe this is your year to:

  • Grow closer in your relationships,
  • Write a book,
  • Realize you may want to do this homeschooling thing on a permanent basis,
  • Better yourself physically,
  • Focus on your family,
  • Grow your relationship with God,
  • Create your new business endeavor,
  • Let yourself go gray, or
  • REALLY learn patience.

We are so used to having everything at our fingertips, right when we want it. When I lived in Costa Rica for one year after college, I remember being content with just living. I didn’t care if I didn’t get a haircut the weekend I planned to have it cut. I stopped caring if my English class was cancelled because of a “cafecito” (aka, little coffee break), but guess what? Those people knew how to live. They were living the way we’re being forced to live now, and they were much happier and less stressed for it. Moving abroad wasn’t hard, but coming back here was brutal. No one knew what it was like for me living among my Costa Rican friends and family, but now you have a glimpse. We still had periodic social functions, yes, but my days were full of what, at first, seemed like a never-ending dull routine, or lack thereof, that I ended up embracing whole heartedly. While my life now is different than what it was like living in Costa Rica as a single 24-year-old, I am able to draw many parallels, and I am optimistic this time will work wonders for us as a nation. When things get back to “normal,” I expect some of us to actually experience a bit of culture shock. We’ll have started conditioning ourselves to being around our families, having meaningful conversations and connecting with old friends. Then, COVID-19 will pass, and things will go back to business as usual for many of us. THAT will be a rude awakening. Real estate may never go back to the way it was. I think COVID-19 has opened our eyes to quite a few efficiencies, and some of these virtual options will likely stick around.

I firmly believe at the end of this, we will become a more united society and family unit. Noise has taken over our lives, and if there’s any silver lining with the pandemic, I hope it’s that we see the opportunity to draw closer to our faith and become more communicative, relationship based and familial. My heart hurts for those who are alone during this time because while being in quarantine with small children has its moments, we are the envy of those without distraction. Our girls also have a constant playmate in one another, and our little Peanut is too little to remember any of this. I truly count my blessings. It was during a front yard picnic a few days ago, when Pookie said, “You know what? This is actually pretty fun.” It was in that moment that I realized she will remember this chapter in her life, and how she decides to remember it will be almost entirely based on how Pat and I choose to respond to it. No, she didn’t get her five-year-old birthday party, but guess what…there’s always six, and she had a blast with her family anyway. We did presents and cake on Saturday, and on Monday (her actual birthday) we were outside with chalk and finger paints; her little friend from school did a drive-by birthday song; we got on FaceTime with some family members; our neighbor dropped off a re-gifted bag o’ stuff that Pookie loved; she ate Kraft Mac & Cheese; and we flew a kite down our street.

Our kids nowadays are given the world, when really maybe all they need is to learn in 20-minute increments throughout each day, to have picnics, do crafts, make cookies and play ball tag in the basement. Don’t feel like you’re letting them down because you can’t keep up with your job and homeschooling. They won’t flunk their current grade because of you, but they will remember the time they got to spend with you, what you taught them and what games you played.


You know what’s difficult? Three kids, that’s what. Pat and I embraced one like champions, and two kids wasn’t much different. We felt, and maybe even looked like, superheroes. Well, God is now up there laughing at us because He has finally given us a taste of humble pie. After the night we had last night (more to follow), I told Pat, “I don’t think God will give us a fourth; I think He knows this is as much as we can handle.” Pat quickly disagreed, as he believes the Man Upstairs has a more vicious sense of humor than I do. I guess we’ll see in time. We will always be open to life, and natural family planning has worked as planned thus far, so we shall see how our future unfolds. In the meantime though, we’re navigating three, and the hardest part has been the older two. The drama queen and the opinionated, obnoxious, strong willed four-and-a-half-year-old girl who argues with everything are enough to put me over the edge. Add our newest bundle of joy (i.e., Peanut) to the mix, and we’ve got a three-ring circus. He is the most precious, snuggly, gassy guy who enjoys crying more than his sisters did and sleeping less too. We didn’t realize how lucky we were to have two babies come home from the hospital literally sleeping through the night. Both our girls were great babies, so it was our turn to experience the other kind of kiddo. Right?

While he really is precious (when he’s not losing it), he is a boy. He farts, grunts, burps (more like belches), snores, goes through diapers at an alarming rate and wakes up every few hours throughout the night. We have been using gripe water and gas drops like nobody’s business, and let me just tell you about the invention called the Windi. Our Aunt Katie now wants to know if it comes in an adult size for a gag gift, after I handed one off to my sister-in-law at her baby shower. I haven’t looked into it, but if it doesn’t then Fridababy has a new market they should consider targeting. This nifty little contraption is made by the same group who invented the NoseFrida (aka, snot sucker), and it’s pretty much a kazoo for the butt. The instructions warn you to be prepared for a messy experience, so now I’ve warned you too. The gist…you lube up and insert a one inch piece into your little one’s gassy backside, and if you hear what can best be described as a whistle, then you’re doing something right. It was rather frightening at first, but it helped out our Peanut and allowed us to sleep longer that night.

Sleeping, of course, is precious, but trying to find the right time to do the last feeding, get some alone time in there and get to bed in a timely manner takes a bit of juggling. On Saturday, we decided to head to bed around 10 p.m. to ensure we were in bed by 11. As I brushed my teeth, I noticed Pat grinning behind me. As I turned, he said, “Punkin’ had an accident. There’s poop on the floor.” The culprit wasn’t the baby this time. I followed him to the room with toothbrush in hand, gazed down at the trail of poop and chuckled. In hindsight, I wish I wouldn’t have chuckled because it was far from funny.

I finished brushing my teeth before dealing with the poop. I shouldn’t have given myself those extra couple minutes of brushing because that gave Pat enough time to pick up the pieces of poop without marking where they had been. Maybe keeping a pack of golf markers in the rooms would be helpful. Obviously Pat wasn’t thinking through the entire process before starting cleanup. Is that a male trait, or is it just my husband? In the long run it didn’t matter, but I’ll explain later.

As I peeled back Punkin’s sheets I saw what looked like a muddy puddle scene from “Peppa Pig.” I grabbed Sleeping Poopy and headed for the bathroom when Pat offered to take her. What a kind sentiment that was because he really wouldn’t have lasted two minutes with her. Again, I was thinking ahead, and he wasn’t.

Continue reading “Poopocalypse”

Make Your Time Matter

Here it is…the conclusion to my 2018 reflections, coming just in time to prompt you to keep up with your resolutions for 2019. Remember, it takes about one month to form a habit, so don’t quit! These last three points I emphasize are truly foundational for all you wish to accomplish this year, whether it’s improving your relationships, losing weight, being a better parent, starting a business, etc. I believe these takeaways will position you to succeed, as long as you force yourself to follow through and form the right habits.

Be intentional in making time for your spouse or significant other. Our little Pookie was a honeymoon baby, so Pat and I really didn’t have much of a honeymoon stage to our marriage. Everything happened so quickly, and before we knew it our “adventurous dates” consisted of making dinners or getting takeout and relaxing in front of the TV. We realized we were slowly slipping into a state of complacency, so our New Year’s resolution the year we were married was to go on a date night once a month. We have missed very few date nights since January 2015. It truly makes a difference. If you are married, or even in a serious relationship, set aside one night (or day) every month for you and your significant other. Take turns planning something unique and fun. Sure, dinner and a movie is nice, but don’t do the same darn thing all of the time. And this isn’t just for the newly weds. Even if you’ve been married for 40+ years, make this happen. Check out “Come on Baby Light my Fire” at the end of this post for date night ideas. You’re welcome.  Continue reading “Make Your Time Matter”

2018 Reflections to Carry into 2019

Happy New Year! Well, at the time of writing this post we’re now three days into the new year. How are those resolutions holding up? We’ve done well so far, and today the hubby and I made vision boards! Woop, woop! I’ve never done one before, but we did them at the same time, so it was almost like a date. (It helped that the kiddos were napping.) We spent an hour talking over our short- and long-term goals from a personal, family and business perspective and another hour putting the boards together. 

Unfortunately, the girls woke from their naps, spoiling my hubby time and making me realize I hadn’t started my chicken tortilla soup yet. 😮 Oops. No big deal for them, since all they eat is mac n’ cheese and chicken nuggets. Before I knew it, it was 7:20 p.m., time to put the girls to bed, and Pat and I still hadn’t eaten dinner. Well, the crockpot was taking entirely too long, so I threw everything in the Instant Pot (or IP as us cult members like to call it). Pat believes if you get one you’re forced into a cult of IPers, and he’s not far off. 😉 You need to join the cult to be able to use the darn thing, or find a friend who’s an expert and has all the time in the world to teach you.  

Once the IP was done, guess who got an opportunity for a second date? We did! It was 8 p.m. when we sat down to eat. In typical husband fashion, Pat also called out that my chicken tortilla soup was really just “soup,” since I failed to buy tortilla chips. It must not have been too horrible because he had seconds. So, we enjoyed hot “soup” and talked uninterrupted, all thanks to our vision boards. 😉 

Anywho, in the midst of this holiday season chaos, I found time to reflect on 2018. My hope is that in me sharing my reflections you will find your focus for 2019. It’s not too late! 

Continue reading “2018 Reflections to Carry into 2019”

Christmas Shenanigans

Well, the holidays once again flew by, as they often do, but man, this year seemed particularly quick because Thanksgiving was so early. As a parent with two little ones, the holidays are definitely different than they used to be. Your time is no longer your own, so forget relaxing, eating and drinking until your heart’s content…or not content. 😉 

With the start of the holiday season this year, our circus transitioned from crazy to pure chaos. Hopefully my holiday season takeaways provide a bit of levity, make you feel like a bigger rockstar parent than me or at least make you realize you weren’t alone. Enjoy! 

Continue reading “Christmas Shenanigans”

Toddler Toots, Rx for Belly Laughs

Upon picking Pookie up from preschool the other day, I realized bath time was going to be a necessary evil that couldn’t wait until that night, which is when I would’ve bathed Punkin too. If you don’t know me, I am a planner and perfectionist, and I like checking off boxes. Give me an idea, and I’ll make it happen…at least that’s how I used to be. However, with the way my day had panned out, nothing had fallen into place nicely. When does it ever fall nicely into place anymore? It’s a constant battle: Kathryn versus her expectations—Kathryn 0 and Unmet Expectations 10. In case you’re wondering, Punkin did not get a bath that evening, and mama had some vino! 

While I do enjoy the “lotion song” we sing after baths, I hate actual bath time! “Stop splashing! Be careful with your sister! Stop licking the tub walls! (I am not sure if I can accurately remember the last time I cleaned the bathtub.) Put your head back; put your head back; put your head back. Stop eating the soap! Quick, get out…sister pooped!” You know, all the things you will say a billion times before the kids are old enough to tend to their own hygiene…whenever that may be. I hear boys still don’t have it figured out by the time they hit puberty. Good luck to you mamas of boys. 😉

Anyway, when I picked her up that day, she was coatless and bootless (at least she had her tennis shoes on), and she was jumping/running through muddy, icy puddles. Thanks Peppa Pig. Continue reading “Toddler Toots, Rx for Belly Laughs”

From Nun and Too Many Dates to Family of Four

Hi! Welcome to Juggling Work Mama! I hope you enjoy this inaugural post, where I’ll introduce you to myself and my circus. You can also learn more About Me

Up until Freshman year of high school, I wanted to be a nun. In sixth grade I remember writing to the Carmelite sisters and receiving a packet of pamphlets and other information in the mail. I am not sure I ever made it through all of the information they sent me; maybe a Rosary or a little token of some sort would have gone farther in the mind of 12-year-old. 

Then I entered high school, where I discovered boys and a love for babysitting. The convent suddenly became a distant phase, while my desire for a husband and family grew. By the time I graduated college I wanted to be married, but every guy I thought was THE ONE didn’t feel the same way about me. Man…the drama! So, I went to Costa Rica for a year and volunteered as an English teacher and then decided to move to Washington D.C., where I lived with my cousins and started a career. I was there for three years, which was long enough. I remember standing on the metro (subway) late one evening, seeing everyone glued to their phones and not one wearing a wedding band. I had to get out. 

In August of 2011, my best friend and I traveled to Spain, where we hiked 100 kilometers of El Camino de Santiago, a pilgrimage walk to Santiago de Compostela (the same town I lived in for a semester in college). It was during that pilgrimage I heard God tell me I’d get back to Colorado, and I’d find my husband. After the grueling, but beautiful, experience of El Camino we braved World Youth Day, where we became the old gals, and rightfully so. We were traveling with a priest and a group of wonderful college kids (my best friend was a missionary at a college campus at the time), and while World Youth Day had its pleasant moments (like seeing the Pope), I remember the heat, crowds and lack of amenities more so. It’s called World YOUTH Day for a reason.

Continue reading “From Nun and Too Many Dates to Family of Four”
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