Make Your Time Matter

Here it is…the conclusion to my 2018 reflections, coming just in time to prompt you to keep up with your resolutions for 2019. Remember, it takes about one month to form a habit, so don’t quit! These last three points I emphasize are truly foundational for all you wish to accomplish this year, whether it’s improving your relationships, losing weight, being a better parent, starting a business, etc. I believe these takeaways will position you to succeed, as long as you force yourself to follow through and form the right habits.

Be intentional in making time for your spouse or significant other. Our little Pookie was a honeymoon baby, so Pat and I really didn’t have much of a honeymoon stage to our marriage. Everything happened so quickly, and before we knew it our “adventurous dates” consisted of making dinners or getting takeout and relaxing in front of the TV. We realized we were slowly slipping into a state of complacency, so our New Year’s resolution the year we were married was to go on a date night once a month. We have missed very few date nights since January 2015. It truly makes a difference. If you are married, or even in a serious relationship, set aside one night (or day) every month for you and your significant other. Take turns planning something unique and fun. Sure, dinner and a movie is nice, but don’t do the same darn thing all of the time. And this isn’t just for the newly weds. Even if you’ve been married for 40+ years, make this happen. Check out “Come on Baby Light my Fire” at the end of this post for date night ideas. You’re welcome.  Continue reading “Make Your Time Matter”

2018 Reflections to Carry into 2019

Happy New Year! Well, at the time of writing this post we’re now three days into the new year. How are those resolutions holding up? We’ve done well so far, and today the hubby and I made vision boards! Woop, woop! I’ve never done one before, but we did them at the same time, so it was almost like a date. (It helped that the kiddos were napping.) We spent an hour talking over our short- and long-term goals from a personal, family and business perspective and another hour putting the boards together. 

Unfortunately, the girls woke from their naps, spoiling my hubby time and making me realize I hadn’t started my chicken tortilla soup yet. 😮 Oops. No big deal for them, since all they eat is mac n’ cheese and chicken nuggets. Before I knew it, it was 7:20 p.m., time to put the girls to bed, and Pat and I still hadn’t eaten dinner. Well, the crockpot was taking entirely too long, so I threw everything in the Instant Pot (or IP as us cult members like to call it). Pat believes if you get one you’re forced into a cult of IPers, and he’s not far off. 😉 You need to join the cult to be able to use the darn thing, or find a friend who’s an expert and has all the time in the world to teach you.  

Once the IP was done, guess who got an opportunity for a second date? We did! It was 8 p.m. when we sat down to eat. In typical husband fashion, Pat also called out that my chicken tortilla soup was really just “soup,” since I failed to buy tortilla chips. It must not have been too horrible because he had seconds. So, we enjoyed hot “soup” and talked uninterrupted, all thanks to our vision boards. 😉 

Anywho, in the midst of this holiday season chaos, I found time to reflect on 2018. My hope is that in me sharing my reflections you will find your focus for 2019. It’s not too late! 

Continue reading “2018 Reflections to Carry into 2019”
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